Teachers Interface

CLASS MENTOR offers unique features for teachers, students, and administration, streamlining management with customized dashboards and modules. It simplifies tasks like managing student databases, automated exam evaluation, grading, and real-time report generation. Teachers can allocate and manage classwork/homework through the system, supported by an interactive mobile app for seamless monitoring by parents.

Academics Management

Academics Management enhances institution expansion and streamlines processes, simplifying administration and transitioning to a digitized structure from manual tasks, facilitating efficiency and productivity.

Attendance Management

Teachers can record daily student attendance and access weekly, monthly, and yearly attendance data. This enables parental supervision. Teachers can also analyze attendance by class, section, month, or year, across different streams/departments.

Leave Management

Teachers can input and oversee their leaves, deducting from the yearly allocation. This module tracks total leaves taken and remaining balance, aiding teachers in scheduling sick and casual leave effectively.

Payroll Management

Teacher can add the different pay head, with pay head name and method of payment. They can also generate the payslip for the different months and year.

Student Tracking

Class Mentor provides portable device which can be used for live student tracking. Teachers and Parents can track and monitor on real time basis through Class Mentor cross platform system.


Teachers can generate subject-specific question banks, detailing question types, marks, and difficulty levels. They can schedule exams, specifying subject, code, date, and duration. Students access results in grading or percentage format for completed and upcoming exams.


Class Mentor provides the feature of directly sending the message to the students from teachers, they can personally inform the students about any updates, also parents can see or check the messages sent by teachers with particular subject, date and message.

Homework Management

The homework module enables teachers to assign and manage homework tasks efficiently. Students can access assigned homework, submit completed tasks, and track deadlines through the school management software.

Academics Management

Academics Management enhances institution expansion and streamlines processes, simplifying administration and transitioning to a digitized structure from manual tasks, facilitating efficiency and productivity.

Attendance Management

Teachers can record daily student attendance and access weekly, monthly, and yearly attendance data. This enables parental supervision. Teachers can also analyze attendance by class, section, month, or year, across different streams/departments.

Leave Management

Teachers can input and oversee their leaves, deducting from the yearly allocation. This module tracks total leaves taken and remaining balance, aiding teachers in scheduling sick and casual leave effectively.

Payroll Management

Teacher can add the different pay head, with pay head name and method of payment. They can also generate the payslip for the different months and year.

Student Tracking

Class Mentor provides portable device which can be used for live student tracking. Teachers and Parents can track and monitor on real time basis through Class Mentor cross platform system.


Teachers can generate subject-specific question banks, detailing question types, marks, and difficulty levels. They can schedule exams, specifying subject, code, date, and duration. Students access results in grading or percentage format for completed and upcoming exams.


Class Mentor provides the feature of directly sending the message to the students from teachers, they can personally inform the students about any updates, also parents can see or check the messages sent by teachers with particular subject, date and message.

Homework Management

The homework module enables teachers to assign and manage homework tasks efficiently. Students can access assigned homework, submit completed tasks, and track deadlines through the school management software.

Features for Administrators

Academic Management
  • Class & Section : Teachers can check and view the list of classes and sections in which they are assigned to teach the students, they can see the Class number and the section in which they are assigned by either principal or by School Admin.
  • Subjects : Teachers can see the subjects allocated to them to teach the students from the list of Subject Allocation list, it will help the teachers to know the stream/Department, and the subjects to teach in the different class and sections.
  • Syllabus : From this section Teachers can manage the syllabus of different subjects of the classes, this will help them to schedule the classes and lectures to complete the syllabus of different subjects of their assigned class on time.
  • Lesson Planning : Teachers can Add new planning list of the lessons daily, this will help the teachers to know the subjects, lecture code and their allocated different lecture topics, this will enhance the speed of completion of syllabus.
  • Assignments & Notes : This module will help the teachers to assign daily, weekly and monthly assignments and Class Notes to the students, which will be uploaded by them using the interactive Mobile App by their mobile phones. Teachers will upload the Assignments & Notes daily in the system which can be viewed from Desktop web system as well as Mobile App by the students. Similarly, students can check their daily assignments and Notes, with the class teacher’s name who allocated the assignments & Notes and the last date of Submission of the assignments.
  • Classwork & Homework : Our interactive mobile app will help the teachers to upload the daily class work / homework for their students. The students and parents can view the class work / homework assigned for every subject through Class Mentor Mobile app. This will help to those students who are absent on sick leave or any other reason. They can copy and complete their class work through the mobile app which will acknowledge the absent students about the day’s class work and the given homework by their respective teachers.
  • Circular : Teachers can add daily, weekly and monthly circulars if there is any events, picnic or educational visits, the teachers will upload the circulars to the system, from their students can view the circulars of specific date with the mentioned latest circular.
Employee Management

In this module, teachers can check and view their Employee code, Name, Mobile number and in which department they are allocated to work, also from here they can check about their current position.


From the time table menu, teachers can add and view different types of timetables, like Exam time table, School Events time table, Food menu time table, Class time table, teachers can create the time-table for each and every academic activity this will help the student in scheduling his/her time and can assign their time accordingly to each and every academic activity.

Exam Management

For the better understanding and student’s guidance. teachers can create the Question bank list for all the different subjects allocated them to teach, it will also show the question type, the marks in which that question will be asked and the difficulty level if any, teachers can also add Exams with the Subject name, code, date of examination, total duration of the exam and can give the marks obtained by the students for the same in grading and percentage format,all the exam listing will show the upcoming and completed exams with their respective subjects, students can see all their results in grading or percentage format.

Teachers can upload and update the latest photos of the events and picnic conducted by the Institute in Gallery, this will help the students to get their photos directly from the Mobile app and parents can also check out their children’s photos from the Gallery module.

Task Management

Teachers can create different tasks for the students to complete them according to their set priority and assigned date, they can also add task name with proper and accurate description for the same. Parents can check the daily, weekly and monthly task assigned by the teacher for their children and monitor the task status of the same.

Library Management

Teachers can view all the Books he/she has issued, with book issue and Over due date in the Book Issue list. Similarly they can view the Book return list by going to the book return tab in Library Management, they can find the number of books they had returned in the past as well as the current issued books that are remained to be returned with their mentioned due dates to return the Books Issued on their name.


In Class Mentor interactive mobile app, Admin can track the transportation vehicles.

  • Vehicle : Teachers can view the type of vehicle assigned to them with proper Vehicle number, Contact person, and Insurance renewal date, also they can see all the details of the vehicle which will help them to contact the driver or the institute in case of any emergency.
  • Route: Also they can see the route that will be pre-defined, so that if there will be any change in the route of Vehicle it will directly send the notification about the Route change.
  • Destination : Teachers can view the number of destination from pick up point to the drop point.
  • Transportation Allocation : Teachers can track the vehicle through Genius vehicle tracking system, also they can view the live location of the transportation vehicle by real time Genius GPS system.
Hostel Management

Teachers can view all the hostel accommodations and also can check the details of the hostel through Hostel Details, Resources can also be managed through the system and mobile app which make it more efficient and powerful. Also through Class Mentor they can see the routine Hostel canteen menu from the system and mobile app. Similarly, Parents can see all this hostel details.


All these features are available in Ios and Mobile App which will help the teachers in all the academic activities, they can assign their daily Class work and Home work through the mobile app and Ios version, which will help the teachers in making communication better with students, also it will help in building strong relations between teachers and parents.

Classmentor Education Management is a cutting-edge ERP solution tailored for educational institutions ranging from schools to universities. Our platform stands out for its interactive user interface, adaptability, resilience, accessibility across various devices, and comprehensive features. It's designed to cater to the diverse needs of educational institutions, irrespective of their size.

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