Virtual Class Management System For School | College | Institutes

Virtual Class Management System For School | College | Institutes

Class Mentor offers a comprehensive Virtual Classroom System, facilitating seamless online learning for schools, colleges, and institutes. Our software enables live classes, study material uploads, and student progress tracking. With user-friendly interfaces, interactive features like virtual whiteboards, screen sharing, and video conferencing, it transforms traditional teaching into engaging online experiences.

Benefits of Virtual Class Management System For School | College | Institutes

Manage virtual classes seamlessly with a Virtual Class Management System utilizing Google Live Classes and Zoom for schools, colleges, and institutes.

Easy to Use

Easy to Use

Our School Asset Management Software efficiently tracks assets and inventories, ensuring accountability and streamlined management across departments and locations.

Interactive Learning

Interactive Learning

Our secure School/College Inventory Management System generates valuable insights on asset usage, maintenance history, and inventory levels for informed decision-making in education.

Real-Time Feedback

Real-Time Feedback

Our systems integrate security features, access controls, and tracking devices to mitigate theft. Additionally, they schedule and oversee maintenance tasks, minimizing disruptions from malfunctions.



Our software monitors textbook, lab, and tech asset usage, minimizing waste. It enables routine tracking of facilities, supplies, and equipment for efficient resource utilization.



Data from our software aids schools in budgeting, resource allocation, and investment decisions, allowing for wiser cash distribution by focusing on maintenance and improvements based on precise asset data.

Personalized Learning

Personalized Learning

Data from our software aids schools in budgeting, resource allocation, and investment decisions, allowing for wiser cash distribution by focusing on maintenance and improvements based on precise asset data.

Improved Engagement

Improved Engagement

Our software monitors textbook, lab, and tech asset usage, minimizing waste. It enables routine tracking of facilities, supplies, and equipment for efficient resource utilization.

Advanced Learning Analytics

Advanced Learning Analytics

Data from our software aids schools in budgeting, resource allocation, and investment decisions, allowing for wiser cash distribution by focusing on maintenance and improvements based on precise asset data.

Collaborative Learning

Collaborative Learning

Data from our software aids schools in budgeting, resource allocation, and investment decisions, allowing for wiser cash distribution by focusing on maintenance and improvements based on precise asset data.

Features of Academic Management System for School | College | Institute

Class Mentor

Gmeet Live Classes

The Virtual Class Management System integrates Gmeet Live Classes, enabling live sessions, meetings, and comprehensive reports for schools, colleges, and institutes. It facilitates seamless interaction, real-time teaching, and detailed analytics, enhancing the effectiveness of virtual education delivery and administrative oversight across educational institutions.

Class Mentor

Gmeet Live Classes

The Virtual Class Management System integrates Gmeet Live Classes, enabling live sessions, meetings, and comprehensive reports for schools, colleges, and institutes. It facilitates seamless interaction, real-time teaching, and detailed analytics, enhancing the effectiveness of virtual education delivery and administrative oversight across educational institutions.

Class Mentor

Zoom Live Classes

The Virtual Class Management System integrates Zoom Live Classes, facilitating live sessions, meetings, and comprehensive reporting for schools, colleges, and institutes. It enables real-time teaching, seamless collaboration, and detailed analytics, optimizing the delivery and oversight of virtual education across educational institutions to enhance learning outcomes and administrative efficiency.

Class Mentor

Zoom Live Classes

The Virtual Class Management System integrates Zoom Live Classes, facilitating live sessions, meetings, and comprehensive reporting for schools, colleges, and institutes. It enables real-time teaching, seamless collaboration, and detailed analytics, optimizing the delivery and oversight of virtual education across educational institutions to enhance learning outcomes and administrative efficiency.

Classmentor Education Management is a cutting-edge ERP solution tailored for educational institutions ranging from schools to universities. Our platform stands out for its interactive user interface, adaptability, resilience, accessibility across various devices, and comprehensive features. It's designed to cater to the diverse needs of educational institutions, irrespective of their size.

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